- Presentation -
Presentation Guidelines
A.Oral guidelines
Each paper is allocated 15-18 minutes lecture sessions, including time for questions, session chair introductions, and any set up that is not completed in advance. Be prepared to begin your presentation as soon as the prior presenter has finished; it is important to keep on schedule. You should meet with your session chair during the break immediately prior to your session. Meet inside or near the door of the presentation room. If the room is not being used, this will give you a chance to test any presentation equipment you will be using. Copying your files to the computer before the session will also save you some time during your presentation. Note: The presentation computer has ONLY a USB port. There is no CD-ROM or other disc drive.
B.Poster Guidelines
In the planning of your poster presentation remember that the poster will be available for viewing and discussion for several hours. Posters should be readable from five feet away. The poster should be understandable without oral explanation. When planning your poster presentation, aim for clarity and simplicity. Make an initial rough layout, keeping in mind the proportions of figures, tables, and text. Try to maintain a balance of utilizing approximately 50% of the poster board area. A good poster should be like a good paper. However, avoid displaying a short manuscript. Be clear and concise in all statements. Include your objective, the design/methods, the results and conclusion. The objective of the work should be stated. Experimental details should be concise. Tables and conclusions should be clearly stated. The temptation to overload the poster with excessive text and data should be resisted. Where possible, organize tables and figures chronologically in vertical progression.